Website Redesign

Visual Design

I visited the U.S. National Arboretum a couple years ago. The serene environment helped me relax and disconnect from the stress of school. However, the USNA’s website failed to capture the natural beauty and peaceful vibe I experienced in person. The site lacked organization, visual appeal, and relevant imagery, making it difficult for visitors to understand or connect with the Arboretum. This inspired me to redesign the website to better reflect its charm and attract more visitors.

Primary Users

  • Tourists who look to explore and visit the USNA
  • Researchers who seek information about USNA scientific research
  • Other users including teachers who schedule tours for students and students who seek internship opportunities.


  • Rearrange content to clearly display information about the USNA and what users can explore on the website.
  • Improve the overall visual design and create a pattern library.
  • Ensure design consistency across different screen sizes.
  • Convey a pleasing, calm, delightful atmosphere that mirrors the experience of vising the USNA in person.

USNA website

My Redesign